Gorgi Krlev has given talks and keynote speeches at various public events.

At the IMPACT conference. At the concluding conference of the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) program of the European Commission. Or at the international launch event of the Financing Social Innovation study.

Recent speech topics.

  • Impact and impact measurement.

  • Social innovation policies.

  • Entrepreneurship as a tool for change.

  • Societal transformations.

  • Social economy science.

  • Cross-sector collaboration.

  • Integrative Strategy for sustainability challenges.

  • Impactful research and academia (from despair to hope).

  • Engagement for society.

  • Collective mobilization.

  • Social and environmental sustainability.

Recent talks.

The Power of Social Entrepreneurship
(Keynote IMPACT Conference)

Social Economy Science
(Panel ESCP & HEC Paris)

Boosting Social Innovation
(Keynote European Commission)

People-Centered Transformation Towards Sustainability
(Panel University of Oxford)

Financing Social Innovation
(International Panel)

Turning Despair into Hope:
Impact in and beyond academia

(Keynote Social Innovation Conference)